Celluloid Diaries: Life lately

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Life lately

Reading In Bed by Sue Gee
Ellis Gourmet Burger
Bloody Birthday + Zaventem Park
La roche du chat

Left to right, top to bottom: 
(1) Reading in bed... I've been doing a lot of that lately. You can find some of the things I've been reading lately here. I haven't read Sue Gee's novel yet, but with such a title not much can go wrong; 
(2) My reading buddy: Avalon; 
(3) and (4) After having spent several hours on a Brussels' terrace to enjoy the first days of summer under a canopy of trees, Gilles and I tried the vegetarian burgers at Ellis. A delightful evening;
(5) and (6) After my visit of the abandoned haunted convent in St. Anna ter Muiden, I accompanied Ingrid Jorgensen (author of the travel story Go East) to the nearby village of Sluis;
(7) Bloody Birthday was the first horror movie I ever showed to my baby sister Jennifer. Because we are both in a nostalgic mood lately, we opted for a movie night in bed with this film. This is a screenshot of Bloody Birthday;
(8) Enjoying the sun and my sister's company in the park of Zaventem;
(9) and (10) Gilles and I went for a walk in the forest to see the viewpoint La roche du chat which translates as Cat's Rock. No cats were seen, but we had a close encounter with a wild boar.

In other news, there are two new calendars available with my boyfriend Gilles Vranckx' illustration work. Check them out. You may like them ;-)


  1. Hey cutie! Love your blog! Your cat is so cute I am a cat lover so that had my heart :)

    Thanks for linking up with us at the collective blog hop. Following you on everything. Hope you follow back I would love to have you!


  2. So fun! That vegetarian burger from Ellis looks delicious!

  3. I really need to get out to Sluis, it looks so pictoresque! I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I have been living in the Netherlands for 4 years and have never been to Sluis!

    Also really love that “Reading In Bed” cover.

  4. What beautiful images! It looks like you've been living well! :)

    Did you and your sister enjoy Bloody Birthday?

  5. Oh my goodness this is SO beyond perfect! I love love it! I need to visit Ellis Gourmet Burger so badly yum!


  6. Oh! Nothing better than reading in bed. Love the pictures. Avalon is so handsome!

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