Celluloid Diaries: The Strangers Outside Reviews

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Strangers Outside Reviews

The Strangers Outside

"Vanessa Morgan has certainly written a fast-paced-bad-things-happen-to-good-people story. I have to admit that reading The Strangers Outside creeped me out and my imagination went into overdrive. I literally locked the doors, latched the windows, read with all the lights on and made sure that I sat with my back to the wall. I have no fear of the dark or even strangers, but now I am reconsidering..."

The Beaucoup Review

“Ohmigosh! Where to start?! Ohmigosh! I LOVED THIS!

The Strangers Outside reminded me of The Weeping Angels from Doctor Who! With the angels, everytime you closed your eyes, or blinked, they’d get close. And the strangers were so much like this. They just kept getting closer and closer.

I could imagine being in that cottage, fearing for my life. I was so surprised how calm Jenn was – though of course we find out why in the end. I feel so sorry for Louise, going through something like that and then finding out her sister… well I can’t say – it would ruin the plot, but it was that moment in a book when you think ‘AWWWWWW!’.

This had me on the edge of my seat, wanting more, more, MORE!

This is actually being made into a film [as is her other book, Drowned Sorrow] and you can view photos of where it’s being shot and more by reading Vanessa’s blog.

Basically, this is an amazing book you should go buy NOW.”

Elena’s Book CafĂ©

“This was a really great scary story. It was very short but very entertaining. I was in suspense the whole time I was reading it. It was well written.

This book is going to be turned into a film. I am excited to watch it. It kinda reminds me of the movie The Strangers starring Liv Tyler. In that movie, two people go to their friends’ house and soon become stalked by strangers in masks. In this book, two sisters go to their cabin and become stalked by people dressed like monks.

After reading this book, I can now tell it to my friends as a scary story. I usually can’t think of any scary stories to tell around a campfire, now I have one. Thanks Vanessa!

I gave this book five stars. It has been a while since I’ve read a scary story that has kept me in suspense. I recommend reading this book if you like scary stories or thrillers. The cover of this book suits the book perfectly. It’s creepy and it shows what happens in the book.”

Blog Critics

The Strangers Outside is a very intriguing yet creepy story. Vanessa Morgan has truly brought to life an evening of terror. She has taken the nightmare out of the closet and moved it front and center in such a way that it cannot be ignored. As I read the story, I was not really sure what my feeling was: maybe the crawly feeling that seemed to come right out of a corner of your mind when you know something is changing. As I read further it took me back to some of the first scary stories I heard or even saw on TV. As I thought about how the story came together, it reminded me of many of the short Hitchcock-movies of that earlier era.

The Strangers Outside is a short novel, but packed with a large amount of punch. Truly a book that sends a chill up your back. If you enjoy spooky and creepy things, you will enjoy this story. And better yet, it is currently being made into a movie.

This would be a great book for reading around the fire with your friends. What could be better for the month of Halloween then to find a great new spooky tale to share?"

Jenn's Review Blog

"I'm really liking Vanessa Morgan's stories. This is the second one I've reviewed and I knew from her screenplay that I read previously that I was in for a treat. This is a curl up in bed with only a dim lamp to read by kind of story. I'm a huge horror fan and this fed my addiction perfectly. A chilling story of two sisters on holiday who are tormented by ominous figures in the yard. What ensues will give you night terrors and have you double checking your windows and doors. An amazing short chiller from an author that is quickly becoming a favorite in my library of books."

The Thoughts of a Book Junky

"Have you ever been home alone and felt like you were being watched? Usually it is just your mind playing tricks on you. Well in the case of The Strangers Outside, it's no trick. Jenn and Louise are two sisters just trying to have a nice night out when they are stalked and attacked. I really liked the idea of The Strangers Outside. It explored a fear that everyone has had and made it into something more. I really enjoyed the creepy-ness of this book and the unique story (...) The Strangers Outside was a scary story that was a good light read. Great for a quick Halloween read!"

Reader Recommended

“I liked this one. I actually got goosebumps reading it. Too many windows in my house! The description was just enough to allow me to imagine the setting and feel the fear of the characters. Great short read.”

Blue Duck Book Reviews

"Can I just say that it was a wonderful thriller? Last night when I was reading it, I totally began to get scared that I had to finish it this morning - and even in the bright hours of the day I was still scared. Even now, after reading the story, I cannot get the chill out of my spine!! (...) The story was wonderfully suspenseful and totally chilling!"

Pitching Pencils

“In her writing, Vanessa Morgan truly captures the spirit of terror. Her exploration of deeply felt human fears provides her work with a quality that captivates at the very core. While many paranormal thrillers focus on agents of the mystical, such as vampires and ghosts, Morgan creates terror through the subconscious fears of us all, such as the fears of darkness and death. Accessing those areas that we would most like to forget, she finds her way through this primal dread to an aspect of hope in these difficult situations. For Morgan, this conflict with our own anxieties and the attempt to overcome them is basic to a life truly lived. Perhaps this sets her work apart from other authors of paranormal thrillers, for she allows her characters a quality of endurance in spite of awful circumstances. This willingness to overcome gives them the ability to continue their journey alone as readers cheer their courage. For fans of the genre, Vanessa Morgan tells stories that will frighten even as they challenge our own concepts of love and self-reliance. The Poe-like darkness of her writing makes the reader shudder even as they search for that one bit of lightness toward the end of the story. Vanessa Morgan's writing is not to be missed, for it comes from the depths of fear to give readers a chance to be entertained as well as enlightened.”

The Diary of a Bookworm

“Anybody leading out a Boy Scouts camping trip soon? Because this would make for a wicked campfire story. The creepy factor was big and once the action started there weren't any lulls, it just raced to the end. For such a short story I thought there was nice development between the sisters and a reasonable amount of background given. (…) Short stories are always a great kind of aperitif between larger stories, I don't read them often, but good ones are always satisfying. And since this one had me thinking about the ending for a couple of days after, then I think it qualifies.”

Bookingly Yours

"The Strangers Outside is scary and creepy, the story will keep you guessing. I like the story and after reading this book, I have decided that I will never go to any remote place for a holiday. This book is currently turned into a movie and I want to see the movie once it comes out."

Little Squeed Book Reviews

"The Strangers Outside was a fast-flowing, action packed story. There were no lulls, there were no parts where I was just wishing the story would get on with it... It was constant action from start to finish (...) This was a really fun, creepy read PERFECT for Halloween!"

Kindle Obsessed

"There is an undeniable talent that shows through in Morgan's work, and to that I say... bravo. If an author can manage to make me do the sideways headcock in so few pages, there's just no telling what they'll be able to do with a full-lenght novel. So... if you are a fan of Hitchcock-esq shorts, or even a good tale to share with your friends on a dark night... The Strangers Outside is just what you are looking for, and with the day of the dead quickly approaching, it only seems natural to take a trip on the creepy side."

BK Walker Books

"The Strangers Outside is a heart pounding, hairs on arm standing on end novella. The story is definitely terrifying. There is a moral to the story, so to speak, that really makes you think. I believe that everyone can identify themselves in both Louise and Jennifer. This story creeped me out in the best way possible. I love a good scare! And this story does not disappoint. (...) I certainly will be reading a lot more of Vanessa Morgan's material. If you want a little spine tingler, The Strangers Outside is just the thing."

YA Book Reviewz

"What a thrilling, chilling horror novel! Though small in size, this novel really does hit hard! The Strangers Outside is all about two girls - sisters, on holiday. However shortly there, they discover that hooded figures are watching them. Morgan described them in such a way which sent shivers down my spine! This book was seriously creepy! (...) The setting was perfect too. It was completely realistic which I loved as it brought that sense of danger in the real world which added to the creepy-ness, and felt like the strangers could be watching anyone - even you. *Points finger dramatically* The ending was really shocking, and quite gory, and I shuddered while reading it."

A Book and A Dish

"Again author Vanessa Morgan has gotten to my sense of security after dark. I would love to see this made into a film."

Immortality and Beyond

"I certainly will be reading a lot more of Vanessa Morgan's material. If you want a little spine-tingler in a short amount of time, The Strangers Outside is just the thing!"

Love, Literature, Art, And Reason

"I enjoyed The Strangers Outside a lot. It was descriptive and creepy, with scenes like, 'But something was wrong. The small town was normally half-abandoned at this time of the year, but now there was no sign of life at all. Everything was still. No people, no lights, no sound. Nothing. The town had gone into complete silence and admitted only the soft sound of the sea.' (...) It was well done. And most of all, the ending was awesome and philosophical. I won't spoil it, but it was clever and interesting. Great read!"

Book Cover Justice

"I was very impressed. Morgan did an excellent job pacing the story quickly and still setting the scene perfectly. I felt Jennifer and Louise were well-developed characters. Not only were the characters realistic, but the story creeped me out for sure! If you are looking for a quick, creepy read, definitely check this out!"

My Cozie Corner

"The Strangers Outside is a short story, but packed with eerie and creepy action. (...) So, if you love a good scare, this is a book for you. Pay attention to the moral of the story; it will start you thinking... I give The Strangers Outside a 5 star rating."


"The Strangers Outside van Vanessa Morgan is een verhaal dat alle liefhebbers van spannende boeken zou moeten aanspreken. De suspense zit er vanaf de eerste pagina in en wordt beetje bij beetje opgebouwd tot een bijna ondraaglijke spanning die bij momenten koude rillingen over de rug bezorgt. Toch blijven de gebeurtenissen in het boek allemaal heel realistisch; het zou u allemaal ook kunnen overkomen. Het einde van het verhaal zorgt voor een onverwachte ommekeer die nog lang tot nadenken zal stemmen. Het begin en het einde van het boek vallen goed samen en de thema's worden mooi afgewerkt. De boeken van Vanessa Morgan worden door critici keer op keer de spannendste van het jaar genoemd. U bent dus gewaarschuwd."


  1. thanks for stopping by, following me back


  2. Congrats on all the great reviews!

    Following back.

  3. Hi Vanessa,

    Congrats on the great reviews! Thanks for stopping by and following. I'm now following back. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi,

    I am your new follower. Would love for you to stop by and follow-back!

  5. Thanks for the follow! I am following you back!

  6. Hi!
    Thanks for joining in on the fun at Welcome Wednesday!And thanks for the follow! I am now following you back! Hope to see you next Wednesday!

    Have a great week!

    Frugal Invitation

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by The House on the Corner ~ I'm following back!!

  8. Ohhh! Congrats! When I get the money, I'll have to buy one. I try to help budding authors. :)

  9. Thanks for the great reviews! I will be checking some of these out. I am your newest follower from Keepin' Company Thursdays.


  10. Stopping by from the hop! I hope that you will stop by and check me out too. www.bookskidsanimalsandmore.blogspot.com

  11. Here from Stumble Tumble Tuesday!

    PS I have a $950 CASH Giveaway going on right now (as well as many others). Thought you might be interested in entering!!


  12. Hi, I am stumbiling on you from www.madamedeals.com

  13. Hi!!! Stumbled...and I'm following you! I am always on the lookout for a new book that I won't normally pick out on my own! :)

    Keenly Kristin

  14. Hi! I found you on Tag Back Tuesday! I now follow you on GFC!

    I'd love for you to drop by my blog and follow me back! :) Thanks!


  15. Hi Vanessa =)
    I'm ypur newest follower =)
    You can find me at;Sockertussen

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