Celluloid Diaries: RandKrant Talks About The Strangers Outside

Sunday, December 26, 2010

RandKrant Talks About The Strangers Outside

The Belgian magazine RandKrant has published a full page on me and my book The Strangers OutsideThe Strangers Outside. It features an exclusive photoshoot in the ruinous military bunkers where the film adaptation took place, so check it out.

RandKrantRandKrant December


  1. hi Vanessa! hope your Christmas went well. congratulations on the magazine coverage. remember the photo of the training camp that i included in my review of The Strangers Outside. most of the sleeping quarters there are quonset huts used by the military before. shivers!

  2. Hey Vanessa, nice to meet you! Guess what? I'm your 100th follower!

    I saw your comment on my Jolly Blogfest post and came over to visit and I'm so glad I did. Your books look very intriguing, and I love the posts about your cat. I have to go over and check out that, too.

  3. Fantastic! I was already following you - I signed up around the point when you posted the Christmas recipes - and now I'm following Avalon, too.

    Wishing you all the best for 2011.

  4. Congratulations on the magazine coverage! Very cool....

    Have a wonderful 2011!

  5. Vanessa thanks for stopping by my blog. Congrats on the cover and the upcoming movie. It looks scary as hell.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm now following yours :)

    Congratulations on the magazine coverage!

  7. Thank you for finding my blog through Book Blogs. I'm now following you and look forward to visiting often.
    Happy New Year~

  8. Nice to meet you, Vanessa! All the best for 2011.

  9. Hi Vanessa, thanks for your visit and follow. Congrats on the magazine article! Awesome photos! Your books sound incredible, both are going straight away on my wish list.

    I hope your Christmas was bright and Merry and may you have a blessed and Happy New Year!

    (a new follower and found you on Twitter)

    The Wytch's Mirror:A Book Blog

  10. Hello Vanessa,

    Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm going to put your books in my whislist!!

  11. Thanks for following my blog! I'm now following yours and Avalon's :)

    Congratulations on the magazine article and the photoshoot! Sounds great!

  12. Hey, I'm Alisha and over at my blog, I just award you the Stylish Blogger award!


  13. Very nice! Congrats!

    Lucy is out hopping, following you now. Come on by when you get a chance. Http://closertolucy.blogspot.com

  14. Congratulations - I would love to read your books sometime. I am a huge Stephen King/Dean Koontz fan (ugh-I think I slaughtered the spelling).
    Also I am your latest follower- I hope you follow me back!

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