Celluloid Diaries: January 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

A parody of The Walking Dead

walking dead theater

When I was in Paris earlier this month, a friend introduced me to Hyperkult, a French theater company known for on-stage parodies of popular TV shows.

Their first performance, now already ten years ago, was a comical reproduction of Dallas, heavily influenced by Ben Stiller, Les Nuls, and Monty Python. The concept was successful and other parodies followed, including Dexter, Game of Thrones, ER, Star Trek, and Baywatch.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Harry Potter exhibition in Brussels

harry potter exhibition brussels

On the last day of 2016, I went to see the Harry Potter exhibition in Brussels. Judging from the pictures, it looked a magical experience. It truly was.

Here are a few photos...