Celluloid Diaries: Best movie couples of all time

Monday, September 11, 2017

Best movie couples of all time

best movie couples

This is a guest post by Kristina Knight, author of Breakup in a Small Town.

I am a sucker for a great movie couple – Joan Wilder and Jack T. Colton (Romancing the Stone), Vivien and Edward (Pretty Woman), and Jack and Rose (Titanic) are all on my list. I like couples that banter, couples that laugh together, couples that are hot for each other…even if they’d lost a little of that sparkle.

Here are a few of my favorite movie couples.

Phil & Claire (Date Night)

First, I have to say that I adore Steve Carell and Tina Fey, I have yet to find a movie starring either of them that I don’t love. Putting them together, and as a married couple, no less? That was the icing on this movie lover’s cake!

Phil and Claire have lost the spark in their marriage, and it takes their friends’ impending divorce to make them see it. The problem is that their romantic date night in the city has gone haywire because they’ve been mistaken for a couple on the run from mobsters. It’s delicious watching the two of them working together to save themselves, to see those little moments of jealousy, and when they finally save the day (and their marriage) you just have to cheer!

Tess & Finn (Fool’s Gold)

Another couple on the rocks! There seems to be a theme to my list!! I adore a good treasure hunt movie, and I adore the chemistry between Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughy. Tess and Finn haven’t lost the spark in their relationship – they’re still hot for one another. The problem is that Tess has a vision of her life that isn’t lining up with Finn’s; things aren’t lining up because she’s so focused on what she wanted for her life pre-Finn that she can’t wrap her mind around what she wants once he’s in her life. Throw in a mean rapper, a cricket bat, and a lot of banter? And they not only find their way back to one another, but they both realize what they really want in their lives.

Margaret & Andrew (The Proposal)

Finally, a moving that isn’t about breaking up – it’s about faking it! This is one of my favorite tropes in all of romanceland – a couple of people faking a relationship and falling for one another is such a sweet journey. . .and when you add in the angst of Sandra Bullock’s Margaret and the obliviousness of Ryan Reynolds’ Andrew? It’s even sweeter!

Those are my top three – tell me, who are your favorite movie couples?

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Breakup in a Small Town
(Slippery Rock #3)
Kristina Knight
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
September 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance

This isn't the man she married… 

Jenny Buchanan never considered what "for better or for worse" meant when she married Adam Buchanan at nineteen. Six years and two little boys later, "for worse" arrives in the form of a tornado that ravages Slippery Rock and injures Adam. Now he's a stranger to his family…and love won't be enough to bring him back. 

Only when Jenny asks him to move out does Adam become the husband she needs…but Adam isn't the only one who's changed. As their attraction sparks back to life, Jenny and Adam must learn what it is to grow up—and grow together—before this small-town breakup lasts forever.

Other Books in the Series

Famous in a Small Town
(Slippery Rock #1)
Kristina Knight
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
May 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance

Lifestyles of the small-town famous

Forced to leave Nashville after a scandal, Savannah Walters has come home to Slippery Rock, Missouri, with a bruised ego and her singing career in jeopardy. As if that isn't humiliating enough, on her way into town she's rescued by her swoon-worthy childhood crush, Collin Tyler.

His hands are full running the family orchard and dealing with his delinquent teen sister, so Collin doesn't need to get involved with someone as fiery and unpredictable as Savannah. But the intense attraction between them can't be denied. And when disaster strikes, they'll both be surprised by who's still standing when the dust settles.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequiniBooksKobo

Rebel in a Small Town
(Slippery Rock #2)
Kristina Knight
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
July 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance

He's not giving up his family without a fight

James Calhoun has never been able to resist Mara Tyler, or her knack for mischief. Her reputation as a reckless teenager drove Mara from their hometown. So Slippery Rock is the last place James ever expected to see her, and Mara's timing couldn't be worse. With the upcoming election for sheriff, she threatens the squeaky-clean image James needs to win. Because Mara has brought with her the result of their steamy affair: his two-year-old son, Zeke. After the initial shock, James is determined to have both his family and career. He just needs to convince Mara that her home is where it's always been. With him.

And coming November 2017...

Christmas in a Small Town
(Slippery Rock #4)
Kristina Knight
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 1st 2017 by Harlequin Superromance

Running out on her wedding was the best decision ever! 

A cheating fiancé sends Camden Harris fleeing to her grandparents' home in Missouri. When her ex follows, determined to win her back, Camden makes a deal with neighbor Levi Walters: they'll pretend to be in love and she'll support his plan to buy her grandparents' land. 

The boy from her childhood has grown up into an impressive man. His charm, good looks and sweet gestures make it difficult for Camden to remember this is fake. And Levi's kisses only confuse her more.

About the Author

Once upon a time, Kristina Knight spent her days running from car crash to fire to meetings with local police--no, she wasn't a troublemaker, she was a journalist. Her career took her all over the United States, writing about everything from a serial killer's capture to the National Finals Rodeo. Along the way, she found her very own Knight in Shining Cowboy Boots and an abiding love for romance novels. And just like the characters from her favorite books, she's living her own happily ever after.

Kristina writes sassy contemporary romance novels; her books have appeared on Kindle Best Seller Lists. She loves hearing from readers, so drop her a line!
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a signed copy of Famous in a Small Town and some fun swag
- US residents only
Ends September 20th


  1. Congratulations, Kristina.
    My favorite will always be Harry and Sally.

    1. I do love Harry & Sally, Alex and Elise...maybe I should've made this a Top 5 instead of Top 3 because, you know, Westley and Buttercup are up there near the top, too...
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  2. I am with Alex. I love Harry and Sally.

  3. I do love Harry & Sally, Alex and Elise...maybe I should've made this a Top 5 instead of Top 3 because, you know, Westley and Buttercup are up there near the top, too...

    Regine, Margaret and Andrew are just... *happy sigh*

  4. I think it looks very interesting. I love the cover.

  5. Wesley and Buttercup are up at the top. Most dramatic couple would have to go to Scarlet and Rett. On the friendship front I loved Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock together in the Heat.

  6. Mr and Mrs Smith is a personal favourite. I love it when they are literally trying to kill each other. And again when they are in the stolen neighbours car "starting over" with telling the truth. Very funny. #pocolo

  7. Great choices - wondering where Rose and Jack are though?



  8. It would take me forever to come up with a favourite, there are just so many! Maybe Bella & Edward :) #pocolo

  9. Ooh I don't know who my favourite couple would be. Having just watched date night recently I did love them. #pocolo

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