Celluloid Diaries: Monday Mishmash - Festivals and Transylvanian castles

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Mishmash - Festivals and Transylvanian castles

Transylvanian castle

* Un homme bien (the French film adaptation of my screenplay A Good Man) will be shown at the Dracula Horror and Fantasy Festival in Romania in October. One of the screenings will take place in a famous Transylvanian castle. The film will also be screened the 11th of October at the Indiana Short Film Festival. My vampire story will be part of the Saturday Nite Fright.

* Can't go to these festivals? You can now also discover Un homme bien / A Good Man on FestTV, the VOD channel of the Benelux horror distributor Zeno Pictures. Or you can download the original screenplay from Amazon.com, Amazon UK, or Smashwords.

* To top it off, Un homme bien / A Good Man has received a diploma for "higher cinematic culture for solving social issues" at the Krivoy Rog Film Festival. 

* I'll be present at four different festivals this autumn, starting with the Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival on Thursday, and then the Sitges Film Festival, the Film Festival of Ghent, and Razor Reel.

* I've started preparing the Halloween edition of Traveling Cats. Expect lots of cemetery pictures this season.

* I finished my book on Avalon. I'll be sending it out to the first beta-readers this week.

* Also wrote another short film script: Next To Her. More about that soon.

Monday Mishmash
Hosted by Kelly Hashway


  1. I'll look for A Good Man then.
    Cemeteries and cats - great Halloween combination.
    Hope your beta readers dig your story. And leave you with funny comments like mine do.

  2. Castles are so amazing. I've been inside two in my life. I need to visit more.

    Congrats on your short film script. That's exciting.

  3. How exciting! Congratulations, and good luck with the next story. :)

  4. That foggy picture of the castle really gets me in the Halloween spirit :-)

  5. The Transylvanian castle? What a cool place to have a movie showing! Congrats. :)

  6. Congrats! I hope your movie's a big hit! I read the screenplay's description on Amazon and it sounds great -- I'll download a copy and read it in a couple of weeks once I'm back from the Stratford Festival and have a bit more time.

  7. Congratulations! Wonderful and creative photo!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  8. That's awesome about the story! Can't wait to see the Halloween cat pictures!

  9. I look forward to your travelling cats Halloween edition!

  10. I loved reading about what you're up to and it's great seeing you participate in Kelly's meme.

  11. That movie sounds awesome, just 'cause it has a Transylvanian castle in it. ;)

    Congrats on your achievements!!

  12. Congratulations! Sounds like a fantastic movie.

  13. That's a beautiful photo, though I'd be frightened to pay a visit. I wouldn't pass it up, though. It's a fun time of year, especially for you.

  14. How great that your movie will be a part of it. It sounds like a lot of scary fun. I'm a big chicken, so I'd probably not visit that castle after dark.

  15. Sounds like you really have your work cut out for you. I wish you luck!

  16. a creative photo and congratulations with your movie.

  17. The castle looks kind of spooky with the background as it is.
    Love it.

  18. Love the castle! Congrats on all the exciting movie information! What a wonderful autumn you are going to have. It all sounds like such fun. Wishing you the best of luck!

  19. Too freakin' cool -- congratulations, Vanessa!

  20. You have been busy! And your profile picture is awesome.

  21. A screening of a vampire film at a Transylvanian castle? Very appropriate--and creepy.

    Tossing It Out

  22. Wow this is all amazing. I love castles and to see them in Transylvania would be awesome. And how neat that one of the showings is in one. Congrats! Good luck with the beta readers. You've been busy!

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