Celluloid Diaries: My sweet Tigris...

Monday, June 16, 2014

My sweet Tigris...

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My sweet Tigris...

From the first time I lay my eyes on you, I knew you were bound to be ours. You were only a few weeks old when you came into our life and I'm so glad we were able to spend almost ten years together.

The world was a better place with you in it, and a sadder one with you gone.

I will miss you, ma petite poupée.


  1. I'm sorry!!! You gave your furry friend a great home and he gave you amazing memories.

  2. Ah, what a treasure and loving memories you have of this beautiful kitty ~ great photography and lots of healing hugs ~ xoxo ~
    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Sorry to hear, but you will always have the memories to hold near and dear

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Take comfort that you gave her a wonderful and loving home.

  5. Sympathy and hugs to you. Farewell, Tigris, good cat and true.

  6. Heartbreaking. So sorry Venessa. This is the only downside to loving our pets - their lives are far too short. But the memories they leave behind last our lifetime. X


  7. I'm sorry for your loss...Thank you for giving her a loving home...RIP Tigris

  8. Vanessa, I am so sorry for the loss of Tigris. We know it happens, but the ache in our heart is deep. xox

  9. We are so sorry that you sweet Tigris has crossed over Rainbow Bridge and know how much you will hurt. Take care.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. I am so sorry for your loss of Tigris. May the happy memories you made together help you through this sad time.

  11. Wun fwee bootiful Tigwis. I am so vewy sad fow yoow loss
    Smoochie sad kisses

  12. We are all so very sorry to hear about dear Tigris. We send you purrs, hugs and all our love.

  13. We are so sorry to read of your loss of sweet and wonderful Tigris. Sending you many purrs and hugs. Please take care

  14. So very sorry about sweet Tigris. Please know you are in our thought and prayers during this very sad time.
    (((hugs))) & <3

  15. Purrs of comfort and sympathy for the loss of dear Tigris, our hearts are breaking for you.

  16. That's always a lost in your life certainly after 10 years.

  17. We are so sorry to hear about Tigris. Purrs and gentle headbutts to you.

  18. Tigris is healthy and happy and waiting for you at the rainbow Bridge. Sending warm kitty purrs of sympathy in your loss.

  19. Sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful cat ( tabbies are my favorite), 10 years is too short :(

  20. We are so sorry to hear that your sweet girl had to go to the bridge. Purrs of comfort to Tigris' family in your time of grief.

  21. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, little poupée.

  22. We heard about Tigris and wanted to send you our purrs and condolences. Love, Crepes and Alana.

  23. Oh I am so so sorry for your loss. I am glad you have such beautiful memories, and the photo is just beautiful. Rest easy sweet kitty.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  24. Lots of purrs and prayers for your lose of Tigris! What a beautiful picture of Tigris!

  25. Awww. Tigris was beautiful. Pets become such a part of our lives. They do bring us great happiness while they're here, but it's tough when they go.

  26. I am so sorry for your loss! Tigris is so beautiful! Love those eyes! Sending big warm hugs! xoxoxo

  27. I am so sorry that Tigris went to the Rainbow Bridge. You gave her a wonderful home. I send hugs and my kitties send comforting purrs.

  28. We are so sorry for the loss of your sweet Tigris. Leaving you lots of warm, gentle hugs! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  29. Mom and I are do very sorry to read about Tigris...what a beautiful kitty
    Madi and mom

  30. We are so sorry Tigris was needed at the bridge. Sending comforting purrs....

  31. Vanessa, I am sending my sincerest sympathy to you and your family. Tigris is and will always be a beautiful girl. It's never easy saying good bye; please remember though she will live on in your heart and memory until you see each other again in heaven. God's speed to you Tigris; with hugs and love from all of us ....Laura and Da tabbies ♥♥♥♥♥

  32. We are sorry to read of your loss and we hope your good memories will one day help you feel better. We are purring for all of Tigris's loved ones left behind. Our deepest condolences.

  33. We're sorry to read of your loss. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbutts. Purrs

  34. We send purrs and prayers. Until the day we all meet again dear Tigris please watch over all of us.

  35. I was so sorry to hear about your loss of Tigris.We will hold you in our purrs and prayers.

  36. So sorry to about your loss of Tigris. All of us from the House of the Mostly Black Cats send purrs and prayers.

  37. I’m here to pay my respects to Tigris. *bows head* I’m sending comforting purrz to those she left behind.

  38. Oh Vanessa, so very sorry to hear of the loss of your precious Tigris. Sending you gentle purrs and much love and holding you in our hearts.

    Be Well Sweet Tigris

  39. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet. I hope you can take comfort in the wonderful home you gave Tigris and in all of the memories of your time together. What a beautiful cat she was.

  40. All of us send our gentlest purrs and softest paw taps to comfort you in your loss of Tigris.


  41. Oh, Vanessa, so sorry! You've been through a lot the past years and lost lots of loved ones. I'm praying for you to heal through this rough time.

  42. I am so sorry to hear the news. He looked like an adorable cat.

  43. I'm sorry I didn't read about Tigris sooner; I'm just catching up on blogs now. What a terrible loss. Ten years seems like a long time until you realise that's all you had with soemone. Godspeed, Tigris.

  44. Look at those glorious eyes! Yay for the love you shared and the good times you spent together. <3

  45. Oh dear, I'm so very sorry. As you know, I lost my Shih Tzu a couple of days ago. It is truly heartbreaking. I feel your loss. Such an ache inside that never seems to go away.

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, and I apologise for the delay in leaving one for you. Most kind of you. Take care xo

  46. Oh my goodness.. I am so sorry… I totally understand the pain and sadness you feel. Sending you lots of love

  47. We are so sorry that beautiful Tigris has left you. What a sweet girl she was, to have a friend with you so long is wonderful, may happy memories come to you soon

    Fly free Tigris

    Luff from
    & The Ape xx

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