Celluloid Diaries: Rome day 1: Colosseum, Fori Imperiali, Altare della Patria

Friday, May 23, 2014

Rome day 1: Colosseum, Fori Imperiali, Altare della Patria

Birds of Rome

I haven't posted much lately. Reason is that I've hardly been home over the past months as I've been crossing things out on my bucket list. I just came back from my first Cannes Film Festival, and in between Cannes and the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival, I went on a trip to Rome, Italy, with my boyfriend and his parents. Here's an overview of our first day in Rome. Unfortunately, my camera broke down so these are just iPhone pictures.

We arrived in Rome in the early afternoon and headed straight toward the Colosseum. Like most people, I thought I knew what to expect of the largest amphitheater in the world until I went inside. It literally took my breath away. Not the size of it, but its beauty. It's hard to imagine that thousands of gladiators and animals were made to fight one another in this stunning arena. In any case, visiting the Colosseum was enough for me to fall in love with the city. None of these pics do it justice though.

Rome Colosseum
Colosseum Rome Italy
Colosseum Rome
Colosseum Rome Italy

Right outside of the Colosseum we could see the Fori Imperiali which was once the center of the Roman Empire. Speeches, elections, parades – it all happened here.

Fori Romani
Rome Fora
Fori Imperiali
Fori Imperiali Rome
Fori Imperiali Rome Italy

At the end of the Fori Imperiali we arrived at Mussolini's Altare della Patria, which the Romans know as 'the typewriter', since it resembles just that.

Rome typewriter

While looking for a restaurant we got lost around Circo Massimo where the chariot races used to take place. We were so tired we didn't even notice the famous La Bocca della Verità (The Mouth Of Truth), a marble statue that's believed to bite your hand off if you tell a lie.

Finally, we settled for the Enoteca Ristorante Barberini which was on our way back to the hotel. Both the food and wine were first-rate.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen photos of the inside of the Colosseum. I imagine one could easily spend hours wandering and staring, mesmerized. Thank you for the pictures. What an amazing trip.

  2. Wow! I'm going to admit I'm jealous. Looks like a fantastic trip.

  3. Impressive iPhone photos! It's hard to imagine the scale and the grandness until you visit those places. Sadly, I never made it to Rome when I lived in England.

  4. oh, my, I'm so jealous :) It seems like you had great trips all around Europe! Hope Cannes was fun! Did you see any stars?

  5. What a wonderful trip and love the sea gull ~ Happy travels to you ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Wow! What gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. :)

  7. Wow!!!! How amazing that you got to go there!!!!!!
    Looks SO beautiful!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. The trip of a lifetime! And going to the Cannes Film Festival...that had to be an amazing experience, as well.

  9. Awesome! Your photos bring back a lot of good memories of my own trip to Rome a few years ago. Looking forward to seeing more!

  10. Mighty fine photos, regardless. I've never been to Italy, but it's definitely on my bucket list.

  11. Your photos are beautiful. I went to Rome last October when it was incredibly hot but it's an amazingly beautiful city and so absolutely full of culture and history! think the Colloseum might be my favourite building although there is definitely something about the Pantheon that is absolutely mindblowing! I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!

  12. The pictures are beautiful! And Rome is a fantastic city to visit.

  13. Welcome back ;o) Missed you! Sounds like you have been having a great time ;o) I was in Rome a few years back. Loving the pictures ;o) You are bringing back many memories for me ;o) Hugs ;o)

  14. Beautiful pictures !

  15. as I scrolled through the pictures I said wow…. what an amazing trip!

  16. Oh, wow! I'd love to visit Rome one day! Lucky!

  17. Oh wow. Such lovely photographs. Looks like Rome is treating you well.

  18. Amazing pictures. I hope to go one day.

  19. Wow! Amazing! I'm jealous! Just kidding, but I do hope to go one day.

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