Celluloid Diaries: I will love you forever, my sweet little soulmate

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I will love you forever, my sweet little soulmate


The day started perfect with Avalon's long-stretched daily ritual of kisses and cuddles in bed. I had planned to stay the rest of the day with him. I went for groceries early in the morning to be sure that nothing or no-one could separate us later that day.

When I came home 45 minutes later, Avalon had vomited all over the place and was pleading for help. I called the vet and he told me he would be there between two and three pm. Ten minutes later, I was already on my way to the vet myself because Avalon's situation had gotten worse. He was drooling and panting. At the vet's, Avalon put his little head against my belly and his front paws around my waist while the vet was performing several tests and treatments.

Less than an hour after we arrived, the vet discovered that the muscle around his heart had grown to a point that he could hardly breath anymore. He had no more than two weeks to live and would be in constant pain.

Avalon died peacefully in my arms today while I told him how much I loved him, how he had always been the one for me and how happy he had made me.

Never had I expected to love a cat so much. He was the one who taught me about love, about what it meant to love unselfishly. Our relationship was so fusional we could never be more than a few hours without each other. How I am supposed to live the rest of my life without him, I really don't know.

With Avalon I lost my soulmate, my purpose, my inspiration, the one great love of my life. Our love was the kind that transcended time and, I'm sure, will even transcend death.

I will love you forever, Avalon.



  1. Words can't describe the emptyness you must be feeling right now. But I'm sure Avalon will watch over you from cat heaven and will still come cuddle and kiss while you sleep. My deepest sympathies.

  2. i am so sorry... i am sad to hear this, i really have no words other than my heart goes out to you...

  3. Vanessa, I nearly lost my breath when I read this blog post... my heart is broken in a thousand pieces for you right now.

    I wish I had words, but just know I am thinking of you.

  4. Repose en paix mon grand gamin.
    Ton papa pense fort a toi et il t'aime très fort.
    Tu nous manqueras pour toujours, comme ton petit frère...

  5. What a heartfelt tribute to an exceptionally beautiful cat. I have had that connection to a couple of my kitties, who are now at the Rainbow Bridge. I call them my "heart" kitties. I can feel your pain. It as so evident in what you wrote. I will keep you in my prayers, Janet

  6. I am so sorry for your loss! I don't know what I would do without my cat. I love her so much! She was my grandfathers cat and was passed down to us after he died. She reminds me of him everyday. If I lost her it would be like losing him all over again. I completely understand the relationship you two had and I know Avalon is in a better place without pain or suffering. You were a wonderful mommy!

  7. I'm so sorry! We always had dogs and they were so much a part of the family. It hurt to lose them.
    And I'm sorry Vanessa, I didn't know you were following me. Downside of the new Readers - we don't get a follow box.

  8. I am so sorry! That is truly terrible. Though, he was a beautiful cat. I wish you all the best.

  9. I am so sorry for your lose. My cat passed away almost a year ago and I still miss him.

    Thank you for linking up to Raising Imperfection!
    Make sure to check back on Friday to see if you were featured.

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose one's beloved furry companion. It still hurts sometimes, years after the fact. What a beautiful kitty. R.I.P Avalon.

  11. Sending our sympathies for the passing of your soulmate...Teri still mourns her Bo, that she too lost to HCM...Those we love remain in our hearts forever...

  12. So very sorry for your loss, it is so hard when they are gone.

  13. First: thanks for your visit to my blog, and second: I cried. I understand perfectly what you mean. I love my 3 cats, but I have a special bond with Benta. Something we can't explain, but it's this kind of love that you described with Avalon. Sorry for your loss...
