Celluloid Diaries: Writing on Ibiza

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Writing on Ibiza

One of the advantages of being a writer is to be able to work from anywhere in the world. This past May, that happened to be Ibiza, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea where my beloved cousin Kate lives. The perfect moment to write in some new, exciting places.

My early mornings on Ibiza centred around the balcony of Kate's apartment or on one of the sun loungers near the private swimming pool. For hours, I sat there with my books and laptop, filling in e-mail interviews for the promotion of my latest release A GOOD MAN and sprouting ideas for new stories. Is there a better way to start the day?

Ibiza - Swimming Pool

Once the mornings turned  into noon, I exchanged the balcony or swimming pool for a local cafe in the harbour with a view on the old town and the luxury yachts of Ibiza's jet set regulars.

Ibiza - Harbour

Ibiza - Old Town

The best places to write and hang-out at night were definitely in and around the old town, Eivissa, where the buzzing nightlife of bars and restaurants sits together in a mix of magnificent 16th century walls and local handicraft shops.

I was lucky enough to visit Eivissa during the Medieval, a local food and music festival that adorns the old town with Roman and Arabian inspired stalls and decorations.

Ibiza - Eivissa

Ibiza wasn't all about writing though. Some of the afternoons were reserved for excursions... and food! Kate showed us some of the sought-after places of the locals...

Some were obvious, such as Benirràs, a beach in Northern Ibiza where the hippies spend their days making music. Part of the movie Hook with Julia Roberts was filmed at Benirràs.

Ibiza - Benirràs

Ibiza - Benirràs Hippies

... or the colourful hippie market in Santa Eulària des Riu (in case you're wondering... Ibiza is full of hippies).

Ibiza - Hippie Market

Others were not so obvious, such as a well-hidden cave in the cliffs near Cala D'Hort that was visibly inhabited by hippies (here they are again).

Ibiza - Cave

Kate also took us to a cute restaurant - Es Boldado in Cala D'Hort - hidden from the view of passing tourists and known for serving the best paella on Ibiza.

Ibiza - Es Boldado


  1. I kept hearing about Ibiza when I was in Rome this summer but had no idea where it was/WHAT it was. Now that I know, it looks absolutely gorgeous! Those caves look so cool, and I love the atmosphere of the little town you pictured.


  2. Irving Jiminez ChavollaJuly 10, 2012 at 9:36 PM

    Dear vanessa I am your biggest fan i love you

  3. Vanessa this is really a great inspiration!! Amazing pictures!! I wish I could go someday to Ibiza!!

  4. What a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing such lovely pictures.

  5. Ziet er mooi uit daar!
    Bedankt voor je reactie (:
    Liefs, Kiek.

  6. Yes, that's definitely great, writing and working freelance is possible from nearly every place now that internet is nearly everywhere.
    I don't have a preferred beach escape, but I love to be in the garden or in a parc or at a lake (there are some great lakes around Munich) and read articles for my phdthesis - well at least I can read them outside, but I have to fill in my notes at my literature data base after that at home... But that's okay ;-)
    The photos look wonderful!

    xxx Anita

  7. I love Ibiza, now I'm jealous !! We stayed in a quieter part of Ibiza but didn't stop us from visiting the life parts :-)

  8. Oh my god you get to write from Ibiza that is the coolest thing everrr. I've been once but when I was a lot younger. I do remember it being absolutely stunning. I hope you have a great time.


  9. looks beauitful!
    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  10. O.m.g! You are so lucky to have seen this in person. This is great!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Tarah and the City

  11. Found you via the blog hop and am following. What a fun blog post I hopped into. I'm embarrassed to say that I'd never even heard of Ibiza before now. My eyes have been opened. I actually saved the picture of the hippie cave. Talk about simplistic living.

    As for writing any place in the world - sounds amazing!

    Follow back at http://www.francinesancheztutoring.blogspot.com

  12. I went to Ibiza a few years ago and I have a beautiful memory!


  13. What a gorgeous place! It looks like the perfect escape.

  14. Hi, I enjoyed this post you linked in to Claire Justine. I have linked in a post about the artist Klimt. Have a super week.

  15. Wow,saw all your stuff on google,and i'm like,wanna be like you....go girl!!!!!xoxoxo

  16. thanks for the lovely comment :-) love your photos by the way :-) XOXO

  17. Hi! Beautiful pictures!
    Thanks for the comment!

  18. your pics and writing are super!!!
    Thank u for your sweet comment too!
    Anna xx

  19. Oh my gosh that looks like so much fun!!! As long as my hotel has a gym, a pool, and is close to the fun, I’m good to go.

  20. What a lovely post! I am dying to go to Ibiza some day! I am quite a hippie by heart and would love to party day and night in Ibiza!

  21. I love beaches, they soothe, they relax, they make you realize that "real life" occasionally needs escaping.

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