Celluloid Diaries: Character Interview With Louis Caron

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Character Interview With Louis Caron

character interview with a vampire

To celebrate the release of the vampire thriller, A GOOD MAN, we asked the main character, Louis Caron, to stop by today. Louis Caron is a good man - he's a vegetarian, feeds the homeless, takes care of animals, and is concerned with the ecological future of the planet. But his altruism has a sinister edge - he's a vampire! If you've already read A GOOD MAN, this interview should be amusing and insightful. If you haven't read it, hopefully, the character interview will pique your interest.

What do you think it takes to become a good man?

Louis Caron: Let me quote Jonathan Safran Foer to answer your question: "Cruelty depends on an understanding of cruelty, and the ability to choose against it. Or to choose to ignore it." It's impossible to be a good man 100% of the time. Imagine you are in a relationship that is not working out for you anymore and you are very unhappy because of it. If you leave the woman who is still madly in love with you, the woman's friends and family will probably tell you how cruel you are, even if you are a good person in all other areas of your life. But is there a better option? In my opinion, a good man is someone who chooses to be good whenever he can, but it doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing your own health and happiness.

You were 55 years old when you were turned. How has that affected your immortality?

Louis Caron: I don't know where the idea comes from that vampires are sexy and strong. It's so far from the truth. Do you know how many desirable and healthy vampires exist on this planet? Only one. In reality, when you get turned into a vampire, you stay exactly the way you were before... for eternity. If you were ugly, you'll stay ugly. If you have a broken hip, you'll have a broken hip forever. In my case, it means that I'll have wrinkles and arthritis forever. I know that some other vampires have problems far worse than mine, but it's still annoying.

What is the most interesting thing that has ever happened to you?

Louis Caron: I've seen every corner of the world, lived through many different wars, been in jail... But the only thing that really mattered was the love for the people I have met. The infectious smile of a woman that loved me as much as I loved her, belonging to a family, saving the life of a baby, making someone happy.

What is the most blatant lie you have ever told?

Louis Caron: I have a very hard time telling lies. Of course, I lie - once in a while. Who doesn't? I can't tell people that I'm a vampire, can I? However, I am honest in all other areas of my life.

How do you feel about being interviewed for fun?

Louis Caron: I've been a vampire since 1750, but this is a first for me. I like being interviewed because it shows who I really am, kind of like a confession. This interview is anonymous after all, isn't it?

Favorite color?

Louis Caron: White. I've read somewhere that a preference for white symbolizes the desire for simplicity and impossible ideals. For an older person, it also indicates an attempt to recapture lost youth.

Dogs or cats?

Louis Caron: I love all kinds of animals, but cats are definitely my favorite. I have a cat myself too. His name is Avalon. He originally belonged to one of my victims. As it was her last wish that someone would take care of that cat, that's what I did.

Favorite fruit?

Louis Caron: Bananas... And not because it's a phallic symbol. Oh, well, maybe...

character interview questions and answers


  1. Awesome interview! I am definitely going to check out this book, it seems like a good fit for my morbid reading interests. ;)

  2. I like the charater Louis Caron cause he feeds the homeless, takes care of animals, and is concerned with the ecological future of the planet.

  3. really great post!
    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  4. I like Louis Caron because he's compassionate -- something which most of us are not.


  5. Cristiano Josiah NeroJune 22, 2012 at 10:19 PM

    Vanessa u are soooooo sweettttttt

  6. His gereousity and care for others is something that stands out about this character.

  7. Although he seems to have the most generous heart, he also has a dark side showing that appearances aren't always what they seem. cldoyle09@yahoo.com

  8. I saw this book a while ago, and it looks very interesting.

  9. I like that he loves the earth, and that he is a Vampire! Sexy...

  10. Good vs Possible Bad, what's not to like. Cat lover.....yes!

    deeandco3 at gmail dot com

  11. I tweeted: https://twitter.com/ATweetMom/status/217091879014117378

    deeandco3 at gmail dot com

  12. Wow he is compassionate! A man of the planet, good man! or evil LOL!
    Nicole Carter

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  17. I don't see my comment for pinterest but here it is again, if it comes up twice please disregard
    Pinterst share
    Nicole Carter (raventally)

  18. Sounds like the book would be alot of fun to read. I enjoyed the interview.

  19. INTEGRITY - it's so important.

  20. I like him because he's good, but not at the expense of his own health and happiness. marthalynn16 at gmail

  21. I really like the character because, although a vampire, he struggles with things that are distinctly human. He's trying to balance the "good", humanitarian side of himself with the dark side, which encompasses the vampire.
    Lisa Hackney

  22. Oh my gosh, a vegetarian vampire. This I gotta read!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  23. +1 for tweeting:


    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

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  25. Good old Louis Caron... good to hear from you man, it's been a long time since we met in the French trenches... Glad to hear you're making a film with Vanessa Morgan... she's a talented young writer :-)

  26. Sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense. — Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)

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