Celluloid Diaries: Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival - Bruges

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival - Bruges

razor reel film festival

Bruges is known for its attractive buildings and canals, but also for the Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival RRFFF. I had the chance to do a q&a for my latest story of survival horror, THE STRANGERS OUTSIDE, and the film that has been made out of it. Also present were director Philippe Geus, actor Pierre Lekeux, actress Iulia Alexandra Nastase, and one of the creepy monks from the story. It was the first time we showed some rushes of the yet unfinished film to the audience.

The Strangers Outside is the about two sisters who return to their remote holiday cottage after a day at the seaside. But little do they know they're being surrounded. Soon after their arrival, the girls will come face to face with THE STRANGERS OUTSIDE. When the assailants make their intentions known, things take a shockingly terrible turn and an intense battle for survival will begin.

Check out the filming locations and the behind the scenes images of The Strangers Outside at Behind The Scenes Of The Strangers Outside and Filming Locations Of The Strangers Outside.

Here are some pics taken during and after the q&a at the Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival.

Razor Reel q&a
Pierre Lekeux, Iulia Alexandra Nastase, Philippe Geus

Creepy CreatureRazor Reel Fantastic Film Festival

Pierre LekeuxIulia Nastase

Horror Book Cover


  1. Quand on voit tes photos, il semble que tu as passe un bon moment. Je suis contente pour toi et contente que tu aies pu presenter ton livre et son adaptation cine.
    Je regrette de n`avoir pu venir mais le razor reef festival tombe a un mauvais moment de l`annee pour moi...Je ne sais pas prendre conge a cette periode. Snifff
    A bientot,

  2. Finest example of Medieval architecture in Belgium - so I learned from the film...

  3. Life is an Ant! Remember that :-)

  4. Hey Vanessa! Thanks for your feedback on "Life is an Art". Nevertheless it's the film made out of your story "The Strangers Outside" that I'm looking forward to watch. When is it coming out? Where is it coming out?

  5. Même en retard, ça m'a fait grand plaisir de venir, tu le sais ! Tout grand succès pour la vente de ton 2ème livre dont je suis désireuse de lire la future traduction. Et aussi très impatiente de voir LE film "The stranger outside", mmmmh ! Avalon a-t-il bien récupéré du stress du tournage et de des fans en délires qui voulaient à tout prix le caresser ou lui faire un "shake hands" ? Un passage au sauna avec bains et massages le remettront sur ses papates, notre vedette de Van !
    Bizzz et châlins spéciaux de la part de ma Châtaigne (elle est fan!)
    Bien à toi,

  6. Cool l'idée du moine !!!

    The Loved Ones ils disent que c'est génial dans le mad mais bon...

  7. Hi Vanessa~ Thanks so much for the follow on Twitter. It's fantastic to meet you and learn of all your successful projects. I look forward to reading your work and seeing the film version of "The Strangers Outside."

    All my best,
    One Significant Moment at a Time

  8. Finale Queen Benelux 2011

    Stem voor KIM VAN HOUTTE - Stuur Queen 8 naar 6687 (0,55 cent per sms)

    Of ga naar http://www.queenbenelux.com (gratis pol klikken nr 8)

    Kaarten en steun: angkiz@hotmail.com

  9. Finale Queen Benelux 2011

    Stem voor KIM VAN HOUTTE - Stuur Queen 8 naar 6687 (0,55 cent per sms)

    Of ga naar http://www.queenbenelux.com (gratis pol klikken nr 8)

    Kaarten en steun: angkiz@hotmail.com

  10. I knew nothing about this book, but now I'm fascinated. The title is extremely evocative, the cover art is great, and the author is a beautiful woman with immense talent (I read 'Drowned Sorrow'). I hope the film does justice to the book.

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