Celluloid Diaries: Exciting book and movie news

Friday, July 3, 2015

Exciting book and movie news

book signing event
Signing session after a screening of Un homme bien (A Good Man)

Lots of exciting things happening, guys. LOTS of exciting things. 


In half an hour, I'll be off to yet another film production meeting. If everything goes well, my short film script Next to Her (which you can read here) will be filmed this August. It'll be part of an anthology, but will also be available separately. Thrilling, right? Of course, Avalon will have a BIG appearance in the film. 


Talking about Avalon... His book is my most popular and best-received one to date. It has been listed as one of Amazon's best-selling cat books almost constantly since it came out. Of course, with Avalon as the main character, I didn't expect anything else. Lots of blogs have been talking about Avalon lately. Too many to mention them all, so here are a few favorites: 


Un homme bien (the French film adaptation of my vampire story A Good Man) continues to thrive at festivals. Recently, the film was screened at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival in India, the Flanders Week in GdaƄsk (Poland), the Independent Days 15 Filmfest in Karlsruhe, Germany, and the Shamiana shortfilm happening in India.


Horror author Stuart R. West interviewed me about my supernatural thriller Drowned Sorrow. It was one of the best interviews I've done in a long time. Read the interview here.

Also, this is the last day to enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, a signed copy of Avalon, a cat collar, and a selection of cat toys. Enter now before it is too late.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That is such awesome news! You are on a roll with movies and books - ride that wave, Vanessa.

  2. Dat is groot nieuws! Proficiat.

  3. Congratulations on your news! That is exciting. Wishing you all the best! :)

  4. I'm excited for you. It must feel so good, especially, to be doing such an honor to Avalon's memory. You're sharing your love with all of us.
    Enjoy riding these waves. You deserve all the highs. Big-time congratulations, Vanessa!

  5. Wonderful movie news and that's great Avalon is doing so well. Have a great weekend.

  6. I'm not at all surprised that Avalon is such a big hit, seriously. He's a beautiful feline, and your writing has proven to be talented and well done. *not surprised but still very excited dance*

    You're awesome, Vanessa. Just awesome.

  7. Awesome news all around! And Avalon should be well received - he's a great main character.

  8. Fantastic!!! So happy for you! Hugs ;o)

  9. Congrats, Vanessa! It's great that all your hard work is paying off.

  10. I am glad things are going so well. Congrats with that.
    I will have to get round to reading your cat novel. But I've started Catch-22 now.

  11. Oh my goodness I'm late to this party but so happy for you! Congratulations on so many wonderful things happening. Well done!

  12. Fantastic news! Congratulations. :)

  13. OMG that's amazing news. You go, girl!!!

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